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Family Centered Ministries

At Christ Reformed Church we have a variety of family-centered ministries through which we present the love of Jesus Christ and the joy of His salvation to the Indian Valley. Follow the links to find out more!

Sunday School

Every Sunday morning our Sunday School classes provide biblical instruction for all ages.  From infant to adult, the Bible comes alive through stories, activities and in-depth study.

Youth Fellowship

Christ Reformed Youth Fellowship is a dynamic gathering of students that happens every Sunday at 6pm.

Kingdom Kids

Kingdom Kids is a fun and dynamic time for kids PreK-5th Grade School Kids (ages 4-12) to come play games, sing songs, make crafts, and learn more about the Bible!

Join us from 6:30-8:00 pm for 6 Tuesdays beginning February 6th, 2024!

Christ Reformed Church at Indian Creek is a church committed to reaching the world with the good new of Jesus Christ! Every year the church sends a team to Mexico in support of an orphanage and school. Above and beyond that the church is committed to supporting a wide variety of other ministries and missionaries.